#Reverse Engineering

  1. Reverse engineering the .car file format (compiled Asset Catalogs)

    An Asset Catalog is an important piece of any iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS application. It lets you organize and manage the different assets used by an app, such as images, sprites, textures, ARKit resources, colors and data.
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  2. VPNStatus, a replacement for macOS builtin VPN Status

    In this post I present VPNStatus, an application that replicates some functionalities of macOS built-in VPN status menu:
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  3. macOS VPN architecture from System Preferences down to nesessionmanager

    macOS 10.13 contains a built-in VPN client that natively supports L2TP over IPSec as well as IKEv2. In this post I describe some parts of the internal architecture of the macOS VPN client. This information will be used in a following article to build an application that replicates some functionalities of the VPN status in the menu bar. This application will also allow to auto connect to an IKEv2 VPN service, something that is currently not possible on macOS.
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  4. Deobfuscating libMobileGestalt keys

    /usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib is a private library which provides an API to retrieve the capabilities of the iOS device, as well as some runtime information: system version, build version, device type, current status of the airplane mode, …
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