A year ago I analyzed how many built-in apps in iOS 10.1 and macOS 10.12 were using Swift: Apple’s use of Swift in iOS 10.1 and macOS 10.12.

How many built-in apps are using Swift in iOS 11.1 and macOS 10.13.1? Let’s find it out!

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Tool to detect binaries using Swift

Last year I explained how to write a script that loops through all the files of a folder and print the paths of binaries using Swift. You can read all this information as well as download the complete script in the old post: Apple’s use of Swift in iOS 10.1 and macOS 10.12.

Apple’s use of Swift in iOS 11.1

Running the script on iOS 11.1 (15B93) of an iPhone X will give you this list of binaries:


With no surprise the dyld shared cache contains these additional binaries:


Apple’s use of Swift in macOS 10.13.1

Running the script on macOS 10.13.1 will give you this list of binaries:


Note that you will get a lot of matches in Xcode 9.0.


On iOS 10.1 there were only 4 binaries using Swift. The number of apps and frameworks using Swift grew quite a lot in a year: There are now 20 apps and frameworks using Swift in iOS 11.1:

iOS 10.1iOS 11.1Notes
-ActivityMessagesApp.appiMessage Activity app
Calculator.appCalculator.appCalculator - iPhone only
-Diagnostics.appHidden Diagnostics app
-FTMInternal-4.appFieldTestMenu for connectivity tests
-ASMessagesProvider.bundleAppStore Messages Provider
-ContactsDonation.frameworkApple Pay Cash?
CoreKnowledge.frameworkCoreKnowledge.frameworkUser behaviors?
-DonationAccountWatcherApple Pay Cash?
UpNextWidget.frameworkUpNextWidget.frameworkCalendar widget
-/usr/libexec/tzdTimeZone Daemon

Similarly the number of binaries using Swift grew from 10 in macOS 10.12.1 to 23 in macOS 10.13.1:

macOS 10.12.1macOS 10.13.1Notes
MRT.appMRT.appMalware Removal Tool
NotificationCenter.appNotificationCenter.appNotification Center
OSDUIHelper.appOSDUIHelper.appOn Screen Display UI Helper
PIPAgent.appPIPAgent.appPicture in Picture
-screencapturetb.appCapture screenshots
(Xcode.app)(Xcode.app)Developer tools
-ContactsDonation.frameworkApple Pay Cash?
-CoreKnowledge.frameworkUser behaviors?
-DockUpdater.bundleMigrate Dock Preferences?
-DonationAccountWatcher.bundleApple Pay Cash?
-InternationalAccountUpdater.bundleMigrate International Preferences?
-SpacesUpdater.bundleMigrate Hotkeys Preferences?
/usr/bin/swift/usr/bin/swiftSwift compiler
/usr/bin/swiftc/usr/bin/swiftcSwift compiler
-/usr/libexec/tzdTimeZone Daemon
-/usr/sbin/screencaptureCapture screenshots
/usr/sbin/usernoted/usr/sbin/usernotedNotifications daemon

When Swift 5 with ABI stability is released next year, I expect a big jump in the number of built-in apps using Swift.